TRIPURA LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT New Capital Complex, Agartala, Tripura , Pin- 799 010

Designation of the following officers of Tripura Legislative Assembly Secretariat as the officer noted against their names as per provisions of Section 2 (h), 19(1), 5(1) and 5(2) of the Right to Information Act, 2005 in respect of Tripura Legislative Assembly Secretariat.


Shri Siddhartha Mohanta,TFS 

OSD to the Hon'ble Dy. Speaker
Tripura Legislative Assembly
Ph. – 241 - 4069

First Appellate Authority
2) Shri Saumen Datta
Senior Documentation Assistant
Tripura Legislative Assembly
Ph. – 241 – 8306
State Public Information Officer
3) Shri Subrata Gope
Reference Assistant
Tripura Legislative Assembly
Ph. – 241 - 8306
State Assistant Public
Information Officer

Content on this website is published and managed by Tripura Legislative Assembly Secretariat, New Capital Complex,Agartala, Agartala -799006.For any query regarding this website, please contact the  Deputy  Secretary(HO) , vidhansabha_tripura[at]rediffmail[dot]com. Best Viewed in IE 7.0 or above at 1024x768 screen resolution.


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